The Forty Hours Devotion is a Roman Catholic practice that involves continuous prayer and adoration of the Eucharist for 40 hours, usually over three days. This devotion originated in Italy in the 16th century and was introduced to the rest of the Catholic world by Pope Clement VIII in 1592. The practice gained popularity during the Counter-Reformation as a way to combat heresy and to encourage devotion to the Eucharist. The Forty Hours Devotion is now observed in many Catholic parishes around the world, often as an annual or bi-annual event. It remains an important spiritual practice for Catholics as a way to deepen their faith and to honor the presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
5:15 PM Holy Mass followed by
Solemn Exposition
Adoration will continue through the night.
7:00 AM Lauds followed by simple reposition for Sunday Masses
simple exposition after
the 11:30 AM Mass
3:30 p.m. Confessions until 5:00 p.m.
Adoration will continue through the night.
7:00 AM Lauds followed by
simple reposition for Mass
Simple exposition after
7:30 AM Holy Mass
3:30 p.m. Confessions until 5:00 p.m.
7:00 PM solemn closing of
Forty Hours Devotion
with Procession and Benediction
Sign up are not required to attend. All are welcome any time. The Blessed Sacrament must never be left alone while exposed. Your commitment to a time slot allows us to know if and when we will need coverage.