
Church of the Holy Spirit

A Roman Catholic Parish


Pre-School Faith


The Faith Formation of children actually begins before they are born, with the formation of their parents. A child born into a home already alive in Christ has an ideal start on a life that will be purposeful, joyful and holy.

Don't feel up to that? Think again! All things are possible through Christ. No matter where you as a parent may currently be on your personal faith journey, Christ will lovingly meet you there and bring you to the next step. We at Holy Spirit are eager to support and nourish you however we may be able to do so.

We are devoted to serving Christ by serving our families. We recognize that waiting until first grade to begin Faith Formation potentially neglects vital formative years in a child's faith journey.

Therefore we offer the following:

Pre-K and K Faith Formation

Holy Spirit Church is excited to offer a new Faith Formation program for Pre-K and Kindergarten aged children. The program will take place in a Montessori prepared environment in which the children will be encouraged to explore our Catholic faith in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner.


The program is for children aged 3-6 years old.

**Parents will be welcome to stay in the room across the hall or they may drop off and pick up. (If your child is not yet potty trained, a parent must remain in the school building).


We will meet two Saturday mornings per month starting in October.

The first two sessions will be 10/5/24 and 10/12/24 from 9:30am-10:15am.


Fee: $50/child

Register for Pre-K and/or K
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