
Church of the Holy Spirit

A Roman Catholic Parish

Parent Handbook Acknowledgement & Consent Form

Parent Handbook Acknowledgement & Consent Form

If you have reached this page you should have already reviewed the Handbook of Polices & Procedures. The form you are about to complete attests to your having reviewed and accepted these policies.

If you have not yet done so you may read the Handbook Here.

For all students enrolled in Family Faith Formation, the parent/guardian must complete and sign this Acknowledgement and Consent Form, which confirms that:

  • the parent/guardian has received, read, and understands the contents of this Handbook;
  • the parent/guardian will discuss the expectations in this Handbook with each of their children who will be attending Family Faith Formation.

The Acknowledgement and Consent Form must be returned prior to the first day of class.

Please direct any questions you may have about the Handbook or its requirements by phone, e-mail, or in person to the Director of Faith Formation.

A paper form to print and bring or mail to the rectory or give to Valerie first day of classes.

FF Parent Handbook Consent Form

Parent/Gaurdian E-Signature

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