
Church of the Holy Spirit

A Roman Catholic Parish

Parish History

Parish History

Humble Beginnings

Holy Spirit Parish was canonically established September 15, 1962. The Most Rev Walter W. Curtis, then Bishop of Bridgeport, appointed the Rev. Alfred J. Sienkiewicz as our first pastor. At the time our property was vacant land, so we were a parish with a pastor but no building. Fortunately the Bernardine Sisters invited us to use their facilities at the Villa Maria Retreat House. The Holy Spirit prevailed and an energetic and devoted group, from among our original 267 members, went straight to work converting the lower portion of the retreat house into a suitable place of worship. As soon as that was completed the task of raising money for our building fund began in earnest.

As it was policy then for all American parishes to have a school, our first building project was a Church/School facility. On August 11, 1963 ground-breaking ceremonies took place for this building. On March 24, 1964 (Easter Sunday) the building was sufficiently completed to accommodate parishioners for the Mass of the Solemnity of the Resurrections of The Lord. By the 8th of September, 1964 Holy Spirit School opened its doors and all work on the building was completed. 

Soon after we provided a convent home for our teaching nuns and a rectory home for our pastor. It would take until 1981 for the Parish to pay off the debt incurred on these beginning projects. So plans for the construction of our church had to wait.

Building our Church

On May 10, 1981 the long term planning and fund raising for the Church began. Ground-breaking ceremonies took place on June 7, 1986 and exactly one year later, on June 7, 1987, which was the Feast of Pentecost, a capacity crowd of over 400 people assembled for the dedication of the Church.

Our 50th Jubilee

In 2012 we celebrated our 50th anniversary as a parish. The Parish Council organized several special events that were held throughout the year to mark this occasion. On September 21, 2012 we celebrated with dinner and dancing at The Italian Center on Newfield Avenue. Parishioners responded generously to the Jubilee Committee's collection of special gifts to the parish.

On December 22, 2013 Bishop Frank Caggiano installed Monsignor Kevin Royal as our fourth pastor.


In 2015 we entered into an exciting renewal both physical and spiritual. Our parishioners once again responded generously to our needs. The renewal of our sanctuary was completed and Bishop Frank Caggiano rededicated our altar on December 12, 2015. See photos of this ceremony.

We are also looking forward to continued growth and renewal. We have entered into the implementation phase of the Fourth Diocesan Synod with the continued work of our Pastoral Planning Task Force.

Check out the Sanctuary Renewal

Our Pastors

Father Luke Suarez

2019 - present

Msgr. Kevin Royal


Rev. Robert J. Hyl


Msgr. Normand A. Methe


Msgr. Alfred J. Sienkiewicz


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