
Church of the Holy Spirit

A Roman Catholic Parish

Confirmation Class


Congratulations & Many Blessings on our 20 students who were Confirmed on Friday, May 17, 2024

Registration for seventh grade and Sacrament preparation for next Spring is now open!

  • Those who attend public schools or Non-Catholic private schools should register for BOTH their current grade level AND Confirmation Prep.
  • Catholic school attendees register for Confirmation prep only.
  • The first class and parent meeting will take place on September 10th from 6:30-7:30pm.

  • *Note: 7th grade is currently the minimum for Confirmation but we can take older students (through High School) who wish to be Confirmed. Adults desiring Confirmation should contact us for instructions.
  • The Confirmation ceremony date will be arranged with the Bishop's office and announced later this year.

Parent and Confirmation Candidate Documents

These are the 2023 documents, updated versions will be available soon.

Confirmation Handbook

Candidate Information Form

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Sponsor Information Form

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Mass Worksheet

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Charitable Log Service

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Sample Saint Report

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Pre-Confirmation Interview Questions

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Confirmation Interviews

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These documents are being updated for 2023 Candidates. Parents of incoming Confirmation Candidates will receive these in print at the kick - off meeting and they will also be kept here for your easy reference.

General Confirmation Ceremony Guidelines

Dress Code

The Bishop prefers that Confirmation Gowns be worn.
We have rented the gowns and they will be in your pew when you arrive for Confirmation.

No sneakers.

Girls are to wear modest dresses or dress slacks and a modest blouse. No sneakers.

Boys are to wear dress shoes, dress slacks, button-down dress shirt, and tie or a suit and dress shoes.

In the Church

Individuals are prohibited from taking photos or videos with cameras, cell phones or other electronic devices during the Confirmation.

Please be sure to turn off your cell phone and all electronic devices before entering the church.

A professional photographer will be hired.

We ask and thank you for your cooperation in adhering to these policies

Please contact our Director of Religious Education with any questions or concerns at DRE@holyspiritstamford.org

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