
Church of the Holy Spirit

A Roman Catholic Parish

Mommy and Me

Mommy and Me

Led by
Lola Russell

Teresa Fritz

We just have so much fun!

Mommy & Me meets in our school every Tuesday from 9:30 - 11:30 AM (except during school holidays)

Holy Spirit Parish's Mommy & Me program is for mothers (or dads and grandparents) with young children (babies, toddlers and pre-school age). 

The Mommy and Me Program is designed to provide a warm and welcoming place where parents and their young children can meet, connect, socialize and share ideas in a caring Catholic environment.

Developmentally appropriate stories, books, music, toys and crafts, as well as a light snack, will be offered. 

Our First Meeting for Winter 2025 will be

Tuesday, January 7th

We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas break
and look forward to reuniting with old friends and meeting new ones!
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