
Church of the Holy Spirit

A Roman Catholic Parish

The Sacraments


Sacrament of Baptism: 

Sundays, at 1:00 p.m.
A special joy in the life of our parish is the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism. A pre-Baptismal meeting with our Pastor is necessary for first-time parents. Kindly contact the Rectory Office to schedule a Baptism. 

NOTE: for families who have toddlers or older children who, for whatever reason, were never baptized: we would be happy to accommodate you. Please contact the Parish Office. 

Click Here for More Information about Baptisms at Holy Spirit

Sacrament of Marriage:

Engaged couples: kindly contact the Rectory Office at least six months in advance, before any plans for reception halls have been made. We will be happy to help you prepare to enter into the Sacrament of Marriage! 

Anointing of the Sick:

We are happy to arrange for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick for anyone who is seriously ill. Kindly contact the Rectory Office.

Pastoral Care:

Our goal is to ensure that all of our sick and homebound parishioners are spiritually cared for. We need your help to know whom to visit! Please contact the Rectory Office if you or someone you know, who is a parishioner, needs a visit.

First Holy Communion & Confirmation:

Please see the Faith Formation section of our website for information


Have you (or someone you know) been asked to be a Godparent for Baptism or a sponsor for Confirmation, but needed to decline? Or have you (or someone you know) been Baptized, made First Communion, but never received the Sacrament of Confirmation? Holy Spirit Parish is offering a course for just this circumstance! Contact the Rectory Office.


Please check out our Confession Schedule. Has it been a while? There are resources found on our website to help you prepare.

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