
Church of the Holy Spirit

A Roman Catholic Parish


Faith Formation at Holy Spirit Parish

We strive to choose resources that teach the traditions of the Church with full respect to the Truth as revealed to us by God that are also relevant to 21st century family life and supportive of the needs of modern parents, godparents and sponsors.

For Grades 1- 5  we primarily use the Faith and Life program through Ignatius Press. We supplement with The Baltimore Catechism, the Saints Sticker Book and components of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Our program offers additional resources for parents as we recognize parents need support to develop their domestic church and this domestic church is vital to the spiritual life of all family members.

For Grade 6 we primarily use Encounter by Ascension Press  and The NABRE Breakthrough Bible. The focus of the year is Salvation History. Lessons are adapted from John Bergsma's Bible Basics for Catholics.

For Grade 7 we primarily use Faith and Life through Ignatius Press. We include some material from the Faith and Life 8th grade curriculum and we supplement with the YouCat.

New for 2024-25
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