
Church of the Holy Spirit

A Roman Catholic Parish

Path to Peace

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Path to Peace

Women's Bible Study

Why do a Bible Study? There are many different reasons why people study the Bible. The Bible is our strength as believers of God. But it is not always easy to understand the Bible as it is meant to be understood. This is where a Bible study can help you. Joining a group of women that have similar goals gives you the perfect opportunity to deepen your personal faith and grow closer to Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer. And of course, the relationship between God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is such a beautiful and complicated one that we want to know as much as we can about it and work towards using the inspiration and guidance from the Holy Trinity to look at our own relationships for opportunities to improve them, and of course, to grow closer to God.

Our Course Offerings For 2024 - 2025

Throughout Church history, men and women have spent their lives on mission, committed to spreading the gospel message. They were disciples who made disciples. What does that look like for the Catholic woman today? How do we practically follow in their footsteps, ensuring that the message of Jesus Christ continues to reach every nation and generation? 

Passionate Discipleship is a Bible study focused on equipping women to know Christ and to make Him known. Throughout this Bible study, we will study 2 Timothy verse by verse as we immerse ourselves in Paul’s last and deeply personal letter to his beloved friend and mentee, Timothy.

Passionate Discipleship is ideal if you…

Want to explore the heritage of faith we have received from the Church

Desire to become a true, dynamic disciple of Jesus Christ

Are ready to pass the torch of faith to the next generation

Will You Follow Jesus to Calvary?

Filmed on location in the Holy Land, No Greater Love is a biblical pilgrimage that reveals Christ’s amazing love for us. Best-selling author Edward Sri guides you through the last hours of Christ’s life. You will walk step-by-step with Jesus from the garden of Gethsemane to Mount Calvary. Every step of the way, Old Testament prophecies, messianic expectations, biblical symbolism, and historical context shed light on the mystery of Christ’s suffering and death. Experience a deeper understanding and appreciation of God’s immeasurable and unconditional love for you—grow closer to Jesus than you ever have before.

Authored and presented by Edward Sri, No Greater Love also features Fr. Mike Schmitz, Jeff Cavins, Jennifer Fulwiler, Curtis Martin, Teresa Tomeo, Fr. Josh Johnson, and Elizabeth Sri.

Discover What It Means to “Be Saved”

Paul’s letter to the Romans has been at the center of reflection, conversion, and controversy from the time it was written. Presented by Andrew Swafford and Jeff Cavins, Romans: The Gospel of Salvation provides an authentically Catholic, comprehensive, and simple way to understand the overarching theme of Romans—salvation. This fascinating book reveals that salvation is not merely the removal of a guilty verdict; it is about entering into Christ’s life, death, and resurrection and sharing in his divine life.

In Jesus Christ, all the hopes and expectations of Israel are fulfilled, leading to the universal (“catholic”) family of God. Romans: The Gospel of Salvation will help you to make sense of the difficult passages regarding faith, works of the law, and justification. Above all, it will help you to enter into a more meaningful relationship with Christ.

Are you curious but not quite ready to register? Visitors are ALWAYS welcome. Just drop in on any day or see our calendars for CONNECT COFFEE dates when we specifically welcome newcomers. We hope you will visit and check us out.


Starting October 3, 2024
Meets Thursdays


Starting October 3, 2024
Meets Thursdays
7:00PM - 9:30PM

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