
Church of the Holy Spirit

A Roman Catholic Parish

Faith Formation Policies & Procedures

Faith Formation


& Procedures

Mission Statement for Family of Faith Formation

To assist parents to faithfully hand down the Deposit of Faith to their children in order to foster growth in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and in lifelong discipleship rooted in reception of the Sacraments, fidelity to the Catholic Church, and active participation in the Christian community.

Please Click to Complete Acknowledgement:

Table of Contents:

(Scroll to the Bottom to Find Link to Parent Consent Form)

Mission Statement for Family Faith Formation

Purpose of Catechesis

Eligibility to Participate

Process of Enrollment

  • Existing Parishioners
  • Transfer students
  • Home Schooling
  • Children with Special Needs
  • Tuition and Fees

Class Location, Schedules, Class and Mass Attendance

  • Closings/Cancellations
  • Location
  • Meeting Schedules
  • Class Attendance and Absences
  • Mass Attendance and Mass Worksheets

Policies and Procedures for Safety, Conduct and Discipline

  • Safe Environments
  • Arrival and Dismissal
  • Building Access
  • Classrooms, Hallways and Restrooms
  • Food and Drink
  • Electronic Devices and Cell Phones
  • Prohibited Items
  • Safety Procedures
  • Conduct and Discipline
  • Grievance/Complaint

Medical Issues

  • Emergency Contact Information
  • Medical Release Forms
  • Medical Emergencies
  • Medications
  • Students with Severe Allergies

Curriculum & Sacramental Prep Guidelines

  • Overview
  • Home Schooling
  • Sacraments
  • Sponsors
  • General Requirements for Sacrament Prep
  • Baptism
  • First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
  • Confirmation

Christian Initiation of Children

Acknowledgement and Consent

Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement and Consent Form

Mission Statement for Family Faith Formation

To assist parents to faithfully hand down the Deposit of Faith to their children in order to foster growth in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and in lifelong discipleship rooted in reception of the Sacraments, fidelity to the Catholic Church, and active participation in the Christian community.

Purpose of Catechesis

Receiving the faith is inextricably linked with the Mass and sacramental activity. It is in the sacraments, especially in the Eucharist, that Christ Jesus works to transform us into the thriving human persons He desires us to become. This transformation begins to take place within the family which is often the first experience of Christian community, sacrificial love and forgiveness. Parents are the most influential first educators who catechize primarily by their witness - in how they love their children as we are loved by God and in their personal participation in prayer, Reconciliation and, most importantly, the Eucharist. It is the responsibility of the parish to strengthen the faith of parents or guardians and to assist them in their roles as the primarily educators of their children. Faith Formation and Sacramental preparation of the children is a window of opportunity to enrich the parents or guardians, drawing them into ongoing conversion of mind and heart to Jesus Christ.

We are all pupils in a life-long school of faith, throughout all stages of life, who seek to gain a maturity of heart, mind and soul. This internal growth inspires discipleship, which expresses this love of God and community. The goal of catechesis and sacramental preparation, therefore, is to draw members into active participation in the life of the church community.

Eligibility to Participate

Families, or the grandparents of children, must be registered and active parishioners of Holy Spirit Parish to enroll children in the Holy Spirit Family Faith Formation Program. We cannot enroll students whose families are registered members of other parishes or who elect not to register. Furthermore all students must complete all the pre-requisite levels before enrolling in any given level. (i.e. Level I

before Level II, Levels I and II before Level III and so forth)

Process of Enrollment


Existing Parishioners

Registration for the upcoming year of Family Faith Formation usually opens on or near July 1.

Forms are due no later than August 15. This deadline helps assure that we have available class space, proper number of volunteers and books for each child. After August 15th, families may still register but there will be a late fee. This fee covers the added expense of late book orders and increased administrative time. Registration forms are available on our Parish website www.holyspiritstamford.org. They will also be emailed to existing families and announced in our weekly parish e-newsletter and paper bulletin.


Transfer students

Transfer students whose families are recently registered as members of Holy Spirit Parish are welcome into our program. Families are responsible for all assessed tuition and fees.

Transfer students should submit the online registration form as soon as possible during the summer registration process. Additionally, transfer students as part of their registration, should include proof of their previous participation in a Faith Formation Program(s) and a copy of their Sacramental records.

Parents of students transferring mid-term should speak to the Director before registering.

Any child for whom previous Faith Formation can not be documented will be interviewed by

the Director of Faith Formation to ascertain appropriate level placement. At the discretion of the Director, transfer students will be placed into the appropriate level. Transfer students may have extra requirements based upon their previous preparation as determined by the Director of Faith Formation along with the Pastor.


Home Schooling

Holy Spirit parish respects the rights of parents that wish to home school their children.

Families that are actively engaged in the sacramental and community life of the church bear

witness to their understanding and fidelity to the faith and ability and commitment to

homeschool. This participation, along with personal dialogues with the pastor and the Director

will be used to evaluate if home schooled children will be entered into Sacramental prep or

allowed to skip levels.

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees for Family Faith Formation are set by the parish and posted when

registration opens in the summer. Parents are assessed a fee for each child at the

time of registration. There is a separate registration fee for Sacramental Prep. Full

payment of the fees at time of registration is required. If full payment can’t be paid at registration, a written plan for full payment of tuition and fees must be put in place prior to the start of classes. Payment plans must be completed and paid in full no later than December 31st.

Through the generous donations of our parishioners, Hardship Assistance is available for families in need. To apply for assistance, families must speak to the Pastor or the Director of Faith Formation before registering their children. A new application is required each year the family requires assistance.

Children with Special Needs

Holy Spirit Parish loves all our children and we are eager to meet the specific needs of

families whenever and however we can. Parents who have a child with special needs

are asked to speak with the Director of Faith Formation to set an appropriate, agreed

plan for catechetical instruction of their child.

Class Location, Schedules, Class and Mass Attendance



In case of actual or forecasted inclement weather, we will decide as soon as we have

sufficient information whether to cancel a Family Faith Formation class or event.

Cancellation notices will be posted on the Parish website

www.holyspiritstamford.org and emailed or texted to our registered families. If we

have not cancelled class but you are concerned we encourage you to use your best

judgement. Absences due to inclement weather will be excused. In most cases classes

cancelled due to inclement weather will not be re-scheduled. Workshops, retreats

and other Sacramental prep events will be re-scheduled when possible. At the

discretion of the Director classes may be moved online.


All sessions meet on the Holy Spirit Parish campus- usually in the school building

or Holy Family Hall, or the Church.


Meeting Schedules

We are scheduled to meet from September through May. All levels meet on Sunday

mornings before the 9:30 AM Mass and are expected to attend that mass. Grades 5, 6 & 7 also meet on Tuesday evenings. Breaks are scheduled throughout the year, corresponding to the Church Liturgical Year and local school schedules. Students in Sacramental years, will also be scheduled to attend additional workshops, retreats, rehearsals and other events. Our full calendar is published when registration opens.

Some dates may need to be determined later or re-scheduled for reasons outside of our control. Parents are asked to carefully review the calendar at time of registration.


Class Attendance and Absences

By enrolling your children in Family Faith Formation, you have made meaningful formation and instruction in the Catholic Faith a priority for your family. As with other activities, regular attendance at Family Faith Formation is crucial for students to become masters of the truths of the faith and to develop their Love of God through consistent participation in our faith community. Older students begin to express and explain their beliefs and appreciate other points of view during peer group discussions. Infrequent or irregular attendance hinders your child's progress towards these goals,. While a dedicated Catechist may make the extra effort to provide take-home assignments these at best are poor substitutes for the lessons taught in person.

For these reasons, students are required to attend all Family Faith Formation sessions and scheduled activities for the full duration of each meeting period.

Three excused absences are permitted in an academic year. For a missed session to be considered an “excused” absence, parents must contact the Director of Faith Formation ahead of time and ask for a take-home assignment. The child must complete the take-home assignment and return the finished work to the catechist at the next scheduled meeting. Catechists are not required to accept take-home assignments that are handed in late, or are incomplete or poorly done.

For Tuesday Evening Classes:

Students who leave class more than 10 minutes early to accommodate conflicting activities (e.g., sports practices or games, dance or music lessons etc.) must also prepare a take-home assignment as described in the prior paragraph or the early departure will be

treated as an unexcused absence. The same applies to arrivals more than 10 minutes late. If you find that your child has a standing conflict that cannot be moved, please contact the Director of Faith Formation to discuss a possible solution.

If your child does not meet the above requirements for attendance, he/she will not be properly ready to receive any sacraments related to that year and the Director of Faith Formation will determine if your child needs to wait another year or perform other activities to be properly ready for the sacrament. For those not in a sacramental year it still may be required, at the discretion of the Director of Faith Formation, to repeat the year before advancing to the next level.

For Sunday Morning Classes:

As these classes are very brief and Catechists must settle the group quickly tardiness or early dismissals would be extremely disruptive. For this reason no child will be admitted to class after 9:05 nor permitted to leave before 9:25.

Mass Attendance

We know that the Precepts of the Church require students and their families to attend Mass every weekend and on all Holy Days of Obligation. Far more than a mere obligation, participation in Mass each week provides the graces needed to live family life joyfully and authentically and lays the foundation for lifelong discipleship. Holy Spirit's Family Faith Formation Program needs these bedrock foundations and so attendance at Mass is a required and integral part of our program at all grade levels. A family’s commitment to Christ, as expressed through consistent presence at Mass, is the most vital piece needed to foster the seeds of faith in children.


Mass Worksheets

During the Sacramental Prep years children are guided to increase their participation and understanding of the Masses they attend through the completion of a worksheet for each mass. Each week there is a before; during and after Mass activity on the worksheet. Completed worksheets will be collected by their Catechist.

Policies and Procedures for Safety, Conduct and Discipline


Safe Environments

Holy Spirit Family Faith Formation is committed to ensuring respect for the

human dignity of all students, parents, volunteers and staff members. Family

Faith Formation is possible only in an environment that embodies that respect.

Accordingly, Holy Spirit parish participates in the VIRTUS - Protecting God’s

Children program, which helps churches and religious organizations refine their

roles as safe havens for children and empowers them with new tools to help

them protect children. The program is comprehensive and multidimensional –

incorporating the best-proven standards and practices to prevent child abuse and make the parish safe for all people - especially children.

All adult volunteers (18 years or older) in the Family Faith Formation Program

must be VIRTUS certified. They also must have passed a background check, in

compliance with the guidelines of the Diocese of Bridgeport’s Safe Environments

Program and Guidelines. Information about the VIRTUS program can be found at


Arrival and Dismissal

The safety and security of all students, parents and designated adults is our first priority.

To this end, we are implementing the following mandatory arrival and dismissal

procedures. We anticipate your cooperation in following them and ask that you do

not request personal exceptions from catechists. We are sorry for any inconvenience, but

our paramount goal is to assure that all students and their families come and go in a

safe, orderly manner

All families will arrive at Holy Spirit NO LATER than 9:00 AM

  • Children in grades Pre-K through 4 will go to Holy Family Hall for their class
  • Children in grades 5 and up, and parents will be seated in the church for the adult class

At 9:25 the children will join the adults upstairs and all will attend mass together.

At all times, children must be under the supervision of a parent, legal guardian, or the adult designated in writing as set out below.

For Tuesday Evening Classes

  • Drop-off

Parents may pull into the driveway immediately in front of the school

building to drop off their children. Students should exit the car only

from the passenger side and not in the traffic lane. Students must not

exit the car until the vehicle has reached the sidewalk in front of the

school. Alternatively, parents may park their cars in the main parking

lot and walk with their children to the drop off point in front of the school building.

The school building will be open for drop offs beginning at 6:20PM


  • Pick Up

We know parents prefer curbside pick up so we will have pick up at the same location as drop off. It will be dark for much of the school term at pick up time. Therefore strict adherence to the guidelines are required to ensure everyone's safety. No child is to be released to an adult other than a parent without previously arranging to do so with the Director. Therefore the adult supervising dismissal must be able to see who is driving the car. Which means students will not be permitted to enter a car if it is too far away to be seen.

Cars are to pull up SINGLE FILE ONLY to the curb. And only the first car in line will be permitted to take their child(ren) and pull out.

Do not park and expect your child to walk to your car in the lot.  Children will only be dismissed to the first car in line.

General Reminders for Children's Safety
  • Parents or the designated responsible adults must accompany their children of any age at all times in the parking lot. No minors are ever permitted to traverse the parking lot unaccompanied by an adult.
  • Students may not be picked up at any location off church property.
  • Out of courtesy and consideration for the catechists, as well as the safety and well being of your children, please make every effort to drop children off and pick them up at the scheduled times:
  • If for any reason you must drop your children off late or pick them up early, please park in the lot and accompany your children into or out of the building.
  • If you will be unavoidably late picking up your child and you know in advance that this will be the case, please inform the Director who will make arrangements for an adult to remain with your child. Beginning ten minutes after the expected dismissal time, for families that are late more than twice a semester, Holy Spirit may, in its discretion, charge a fee of $1 per child per minute until the children have been picked up by a parent or properly designated adult.


Building Access

Access to the building will be controlled only by Director, catechists and hall monitors. Parents and children are not to open any doors to allow a person to enter the building, unless requested to do so by the Director, a catechist or hall monitor.

Parents and children will enter and exit the building only through the main front

doors and never through any side doors, except in case of an emergency requiring

immediate exit from the building.

During arrival or dismissal, hall monitors will open the main front doors to facilitate entry or exit.

During times other than arrival or dismissal, hall monitors will watch the doors and allow a parent or designated adult in upon arrival. There is a doorbell to ring to let us know you have arrived. Please ring and wait for someone to open the door for you. Hall monitors may request names and picture identification to allow entry.

Classrooms, Hallways and Restrooms

Upon arrival, students shall report to their classrooms and remain in them for the

duration of class, unless a catechist escorts the entire class to another location on

campus. Students will not loiter in the hallways. Students should use the restroom,

as necessary, before entering class to avoid leaving during class. Parents will be

notified and will be expected to speak to their child if the child frequently requests to

use the bathroom in a manner that disrupts class.

Food and Drink

Students may not bring food or drink (besides water) at any time into the classrooms or school building. The school building is a nut-free environment. Students, who require food for medical reasons, as noted by their parents on the student’s Medical Release Form, may bring nut-free snacks.


Electronic Devices and Cell Phones

Electronic devices should not be brought to class. If a catechist or member of the Family Faith Formation Staff determines that a student has such an electronic device and is accessing it during class, the catechist or staff member may remove the device from the student for the duration of the class. The device will be returned after class is complete.

During class, cell phones must remain off or set to “silent” mode and put away. No

child may text or use the internet for personal browsing.

At their discretion, catechists may require students to place cell phones in a bin upon

entering the classroom, to be returned to the students at the end of class, or may

take a phone away from a particular student for the duration of a class as

necessary for class management or another appropriate reason.

Please be certain that all cell phones brought to class are marked, labeled or otherwise readily

identified as belonging to your child.


Prohibited Items

While at the Holy Spirit Campus, students may not possess, use or distribute any

items, materials or substances (referred to together as “Items”) that potentially

could cause serious physical or moral harm to themselves or to others, could cause significant damage to property, or that students are legally prohibited from possessing. This includes fireworks, weapons of any kind, alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, pornography, traditional or e-cigarettes, controlled substances, illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia, or medications prescribed to persons other than the student.

If a catechist or member of the Family Faith Formation Staff determines that a

student possesses any of these Items, the catechist or staff member may, in their discretion:

  • Remove the Item from the student for the duration of the class. The Item will be returned after class is complete, only to the parent or designated adult; or
  • If the Item poses an imminent risk of harm to anyone, remove the student from the classroom, and call the parent or designated adult or, if they cannot be reached the emergency contact listed on the medical form. The parent or adult who is contacted will be expected immediately to pick up the student and remove him or her from the campus. The student will not be allowed to return to the Family Faith Formation campus or class until the student and parents have met separately with the Director of Faith Formation to reach an agreed resolution of the matter. If warranted to maintain safety or security or to address an imminent risk, a catechist or staff member may immediately call local law enforcement for assistance.

Safety Procedures

The Holy Spirit Family Faith Formation Program follows all necessary Safety Procedures and Protocols. The catechists have been instructed of safety procedures in the event of a fire or lockdown, should there be a need to use them in an emergency.


Conduct and Discipline

At all times, volunteers, students, parents and families are expected to display

Christian attitudes of honesty, mutual respect, responsibility, consideration and love

for oneself, clergy, catechists, fellow students, and school building and parish property.

If a student’s behavior becomes a distraction for other children before, during, or after

class, parents will be notified by phone, in writing, or in person. We will work

together to reach a mutually agreed solution, up to and including requesting the

parent’s presence in the classroom as a one-on-one aide for your child. There is a

discipline policy in place and every catechist will be following the same procedures.

Students disrupting class may be removed from the classroom. Persistent disruptive

behavior will result in a child being removed from the Program for the remainder of

the year if a solution cannot be found.

In addition, students who engage in the following behavior on the Holy Spirit campus

will be subject to appropriate and immediate disciplinary action, which may include

public service, short- or long-term removal from the classroom, removal from the

Program for remainder of the year, or restitution:

  • Using Inappropriate Language. Volunteers and students shall refrain from using vulgar or obscene language, language that taunts, bullies, or teases another person, or language that disparages persons based on gender, race or national origin, religious beliefs, or other personal characteristics.
  • Fighting, physically assaulting another person or any inappropriate touching of another person.
  • Stealing, damaging or destroying the property of another person, including students, parents or volunteers of the Family Faith Formation Program, school building, or the parish generally. Found items should be delivered to a catechist, volunteer, or Family Faith Formation staff member.



If a child experiences difficulty during class, please directly contact the Director as soon as the difficulty arises, either in person or in writing and we will work with you to achieve a mutually agreed solution. All conflict resolutions should focus on the healing Spirit of Christ.

Medical Issues


Emergency Contact Information

The Family Faith Formation registration materials will ask parents to supply the

name and phone number of an emergency contact person. This phone number

should allow us to contact someone, who is not one of the parents, who generally will

be available during your child’s class times in the event that the parent can't be



Medical Release Forms

For all students enrolled in Faith Formation, the parent/guardian must complete and sign the Diocesan Medical Release Form, which can be found on the Parish website.

Completed forms must be submitted prior to the first day of class. This Form includes a permission statement authorizing emergency medical personnel to treat a child in the event of a medical emergency.


Medical Emergencies

Holy Spirit Faith Formation Staff or Volunteer will call 911 to obtain Emergency Medical Services for any student who becomes seriously ill, has a serious injury, or for any other similar medical emergency.

if a minor illness or injury prevents a child from completing a class, the

catechist or staff member will call the parents or authorized adult first. If that

person cannot be reached, the emergency contact person listed on the

registration form will be called. The parent or adult who is contacted will be

expected immediately to pick up the student and remove him or her from the


For a serious illness or injury, a catechist will call 911 to request emergency

assistance. Parents or the authorized adult will be contacted second and

informed of the situation. If that person cannot be reached, the emergency

contact person listed on the registration form will be called.

In addition to listing on the medical form, please inform the Director of Faith

Formation and Catechist if your child has a medical condition that potentially

could result in a medical emergency (e.g., history of seizures or fainting etc.)

If your child exhibits symptoms of contagious illness, such as non- allergic

sinus congestion, cough, fever or rash, your child should NOT attend class. Please

let the Director know so the absence can be marked as excused.



Holy Spirit Faith Formation volunteers and staff members are not

allowed to dispense medications, except if an EPI PEN/AVI-Q

ADMINISTRATION form has been provided and authorizes the administration of an

Epi-Pen or Avi-Q.

Students with severe allergies

If a student has a life-threatening allergic condition requiring the use of an EPI PEN /

AVI-Q, parents can sign and complete an EPI PEN/AVI-Q ADMINISTRATION form

authorizing a non-medical person at Holy Spirit Parish, who has been trained

to use a cartridge auto-injector, to administer epinephrine via cartridge autoinjector

to your child if necessary while participating in Faith Formation.

**Epi-pens should be carried by the young person, if appropriate, and parents/

guardians should discuss protocol before enrollment.

If the child is authorized by a physician to self-administer his/her own

auto-injector, the parent/guardian must complete the Authorization to Self-

Administer form and have it signed by the child’s physician.

Curriculum & Sacramental Prep Guidelines



The Holy Spirit Family Faith Formation Program is Christ-centered and

based on the Diocese of Bridgeport’s Guidelines for Catechesis. Each level

will review, in an age-appropriate manner, the following topics:

  • Sacred Scripture
  • The Creed
  • Worship & the Sacraments
  • Christian Morality
  • Prayer & Spirituality
  • Community & Service

Home Schooling

Holy Spirit Family Faith Formation Program adheres to all suggested guidelines of the Diocese of Bridgeport concerning a Home School Program. Details are available through the Faith Formation Office.


The Sacramental preparation program centers on parent-child-community participation, because parents are the primary witnesses of the Faith to their children and our church community is our faith support system, Holy Spirit provides resources to parents and gathered sessions for the children, which together serve as immediate preparation and celebration for these special Sacramental events.



Sponsors and Godparents for Baptism and Confirmation must fulfill the guidelines established by Canon Law and the Policies of the Diocese of Bridgeport. Sponsors are responsible for acquiring from their local parish, a sponsor form signed by their clergy.


General Requirements for Sacrament Prep

The following student requirements for Sacramental preparation apply to First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation

  • Students must have been enrolled and participating in a Family Faith Formation Program, or some other approved program or Home Schooling for the minimum number of years required by the Diocese before participating in Sacramental Prep. If they have missed any year(s) they must make up the missed year(s) curriculum. Once make up is completed the student will be placed in the proper program and then is required to complete the regular requirements as outlined in the Sacramental Handbook.


  • Regular attendance for Faith Formation, including the special Sacramental preparation meetings, is essential. The Attendance Guidelines of this Handbook will be strictly enforced and not waived during Sacramental preparation years.


  • All Sacramental preparation assignments must be fully completed and submitted by the due date.



  • Baptismal Certificates and all other Sacramental documentation must be on file at the Family Faith Formation Office before reception of the sacrament.



The Sacrament of Baptism is scheduled through the Parish Office. Parental pre-

Baptism classes are required. You may call the parish office to schedule a date and

time for the Baptism and to register for the class.

First Reconciliation and First Eucharist

Remote preparation for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist

begins prior to Baptism. A home life strongly rooted in the faith is a necessary

foundation. Formal, proximate instruction for these Sacraments is currently given in

Grade 2. First grade is required to enter this year. At the discretion of the Director

and Pastor children may be admitted to this preparation at a different age.

Parents will receive a detailed informational packet outlining the schedule of

events, classes and workshops related to the Sacramental preparation and

celebrations. First Reconciliation takes place in March of second grade. First Eucharist

takes place in early May or late April.



Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation continues immediately after First Communion through full participation in all levels of Faith Formation. A minimum of three years of formal instruction in the faith after having received First Communion is required. (not including the First Communion prep year) Formal, proximate preparation for Confirmation is currently given in Grade 7.

At the discretion of the Director and Pastor children may be admitted to this preparation at a different age.

Parents will receive a detailed informational packet outlining the schedule of events, classes and workshops related to the Sacramental preparation and celebrations. The date of the Confirmation ceremony will be set with the Bishop's office and announced as soon as possible. We usually try to schedule it for late March or early April.

The following foundational topics are addressed over the course of the three-year preparation period:

  • Saints (understanding the Communion of Saints/Choosing a Patron Saint)
  • Salvation History
  • Faith in Action (Service commitment)
  • Holy Spirit (gifts and fruits received during Confirmation)
  • Development of Spirituality (retreats)
  • Development of Moral Thinking and Decision Making
  • Social Justice
  • Role of Confirmed Catholics in the Church

Christian Initiation of Children

Children who are not baptized, baptized in a non-Catholic church and those who have no

formal Religious Education and wish to learn more about the Catholic Church are invited to

learn more about the Catholic Church with their parents. Parents are asked to contact

the Director of Faith Formation who will work with parents to develop a catechetical plan to

welcome these children into the Catholic Church according to the norms and customs of the Catholic Church.

Acknowledgement and Consent

For all students enrolled in Family Faith Formation, the parent/guardian must complete and sign the attached Acknowledgement and Consent Form, which confirms that:

  • the parent/guardian has received, read, and understands the contents of this Handbook;
  • the parent/guardian will discuss the expectations in this Handbook with each of their children who will be attending Family Faith Formation.
  • The Acknowledgement and Consent Form must be returned prior to the first day of class.
  • Please direct any questions you may have about the Handbook or its requirements by phone, e-mail, or in person to the Director of Faith Formation.

Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement and Consent Form

Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement and Consent Form

Inclement Weather Policy

We will try to anticipate any hazardous weather conditions before classes or events in order to provide timely notification of cancellations. Notification of cancelled classes will be posted on this website, News 12 and via email and/or text message. Missed classes will be rescheduled. Do not venture out if conditions are hazardous. Even if class is held we will not penalize you if you choose to stay home due to weather conditions. Most often we err on the side of caution so it is not likely you will need to make such a judgement.

Mass will continue to be held at the regularly scheduled times Saturday 5:15 p.m., Sunday 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. even when classes are cancelled

Cancellation of Holy Spirit religious education classes

will be posted on

News Channel 12 and this website

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