
Church of the Holy Spirit

A Roman Catholic Parish

Advent Spiritual Bouquet

Advent Spiritual Bouquet

Beginning the weekend of December 1st, there will be an Advent Devotion Tree in the Church vestibule. The tree will be filled with different devotions attached to bags of hay.

This will be a parish wide opportunity to create an Advent Spiritual Bouquet by choosing a devotion from the tree and taking it home with you to complete during the week.

Once you’ve completed the devotion, please bring the hay to Mass the following weekend and place it in the manger on the altar.

By working together in prayer and fasting, we will create a comfortable bed for baby Jesus’ arrival on Christmas!

Devotions for Kids

Below you will find the information for the childrens' devotions found on our Advent Spiritual Bouquet Tree

Scroll past these for the devotions for Teens.

Devotions for Teens

Below you will find the information for the teen devotions found on our Advent Spiritual Bouquet Tree

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