
Church of the Holy Spirit

A Roman Catholic Parish

Christmas Giving

The Christmas Giving Tree

In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”  -Acts 20:35

November 30th through December 18th

Be like the Wise Men ~ Come Bearing Gifts

Sponsored by Holy Spirit Parish Council,
Social Concerns Ministry

Gifts collected will be delivered to:

Saint Mary's

and the

Haitian-American Catholic Center

To begin, select a tag from the tree or create your own. Then go shopping for your gift(s)

At this time all the pre-made tags have been taken! Praise God! But this does not mean it is too late to participate. All are welcome to make their own tags. Simply indicate on the tag the age, gender and anything else about the gift to help it go to someone who would like it.

Appreciated items include

  • Toys
  • Hats/Gloves/Scarves
  • Sweatpants
  • Games
  • Sweaters
  • Grooming Sets
  • Children's Pajamas
  • Seasonal Tops
  • Gift Cards

Please wrap your gift(s) and attach a tag indicating the gender, age and item (for example: Boys sweatshirt size medium).

The gifts will be divided between the two organizations so there is no need to indicate that on the tag. The tree will be in the church vestibule from Sat. Nov. 18—Wed. Dec. 18th Sponsored by Holy Spirit Social Concerns Ministry

As you shop or wrap your gifts, please say a prayer for your gift recipient.

BY Wednesday, DECEMBER 18th
so that they can be delivered to Saint Mary's
and to the Haitian-American Catholic Center in plenty of time to get under the recipient's tree before Christmas.

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