
Church of the Holy Spirit

A Roman Catholic Parish

Food Collections

Non Perishable Food Collection

Demand for food pantry items remains high. In response, the Social Concerns Ministry is working hard to keep our monthly collection going stronger than ever.

Donations can be placed in the vestibule of the church and the crying room.

You need not be attending a mass to drop off a donation.

If you are aware of someone who has a donation but is unable to deliver to church please contact us and we will assist them.

Donations will be delivered to St. Mary's Church on Elm Street.

If you are wondering what to give, please see our guidelines below:

The grocery collection is usually held the first weekend of every month. The food is delivered by our volunteers to St. Mary's Church in Stamford where it is then shared with active pantries that are always in need of donations. We strive to support a wholesome diet with protein based foods for people of all ages.

Some Suggested Non-Perishable Foods

Proteins are currently in high demand, such as:
Canned Meats & Fish
Dried Beans and Peas (dried are preferred over canned)

Also in high demand are:
Canned milk

Often, the Pantry may be assisting an older person who lives alone, so family sized packages are preferred over warehouse sized. 

Also consider donating:
Peanut Butter
Whole Grain Pasta, Rice and Cereals
Canned Fruits
Canned Vegetables
Pasta Sauces

Grocery Gift Cards may be put into the collection basket. Small denominations of $25 or less work well.

For more details on smart giving you might want to read How to Donate Food So It Won’t Go to Waste at Reader's Digest.

Collection weekends will be announced at Mass, in the Bulletin and on this website.

The need is great.

Bring one can or bring a shopping cart full!

Together we can help feed our neighbors.

"‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?..." Matthew 25:37

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