
Church of the Holy Spirit

A Roman Catholic Parish

Parish Finance Council

Parish Finance Council

The Parish Finance Council is a consultative body of lay persons mandated by Canon law to advise the Pastor in matters pertaining to the financial affairs of the

Canon 537: “Each parish is to have a Finance Council which is regulated by universal law as well as by the norms established by the Diocesan Bishop; in the Council, the Christian faithful, selected according to the same norms, aid the Pastor in the administration of the parish goods with due regard for the prescription of Canon 532.”

The Pastor has authority from the Bishop and the universal law of the Church to decide and act on behalf of the Parish (Canon 532). The Parish Finance Council is advisory to the Pastor and its decisions/recommendations are
valid only when accepted and ratified by the Pastor. It is important, therefore, that the Pastor be central to the deliberations and the functioning of the Parish Finance Council. The relationship between the Council and the Pastor is one of support and mutual cooperation. 

Parish Administration & Finance Manual Diocese of Bridgeport • issued January 2008 

Holy Spirit Parish Finance Council

Jose Cepeda, chair 

Chris Sturhahn 

Mike Sweeney 

Joe Milano

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