
Church of the Holy Spirit

A Roman Catholic Parish

Trunk or Treat

Sunday, Oct. 29th at 12:30 PM

Due to rain this event has been moved into Holy Family Hall

The Fire Truck is still coming

See you there!

Family Fun for All Ages!

Car Decoration Competition! WIth Prizes

Costume Parade with best costume prizes at 1:30PM

Free Refreshments

Children's Activities & Lawn games

Please decorate your Car and Provide Treats for the Children participating.

Be sure to reserve your spot! Sign up below.

Scroll down for FAQs for Participating Cars.

2022 Best Car Winners. Will you be the winning entry this year? 

FAQs for particpating Cars

Where will I set up my car?

When you arrive you may choose any available spot in the lower lot. Please save the spots closest to the house for cars that need to run an extension cord for electricity.

When can I begin setting up my car?

As soon as traffic has cleared from the 9:30 AM Mass so figure around 10:45AM

What happens if it rains?

We have moved the event into Holy Family Hall. The Fire Truck is still coming.

How much candy should I buy?

Don't we all wish we knew exactly the right amount. But it is hard to say how many children will visit us. In past years we estimated about 100 Trick or Treaters, but who knows this year?

When will the event end?

Official end is 2PM 

How will the Best Car Contest be judged?

The children who visit the cars will vote for their favorite.

My friend wants to come but they did not sign up. Can they come?

Yes, our lower lot is quite large, unregistered cars will be welcomed. Parishioners, or sponsored by an attending parishioner only.

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