
Church of the Holy Spirit

A Roman Catholic Parish

General Procedures and Guidelines

New General Procedures & Guidelines

as of February 23, 2022

A Note From Father Suarez Regarding Return To Mass

Parishioners are reminded that even without a dispensation, it may be necessary for certain persons to refrain from mass attendance. How is it possible to legitimately skip Mass without a dispensation? There is a principle of canon law which states, “No one is obliged to do the impossible.”

If they are feeling ill or have suspicious symptoms, or if in the last two weeks they have knowingly been exposed to Coronavirus, or are currently required to quarantine, they should not attend public mass and under such circumstances are dispensed from any obligation in accordance with Canon Law.

I.   General Guidelines

a.   Mask Guidelines

i.   Masks are optional indoors on church property, as per city of Stamford requirements for all indoor activities.

b.   Social distancing is not required on church property inside or outside

i.   All pews available for seating

c.   No Mass registration systems are required

d.   Church bulletins are allowed

e.   Holy items, cards, and books are permitted

f.   Clean facilities before and after weekend Masses but not in between weekend Masses

i.   Church bathrooms should be open and cleaned before weekend Masses start and after the last weekend Mass

g.   Parish or Private functions must follow state guidelines

i.   There are no additional restrictions for these events beyond what the state and/or city mandates

II.   Mass

a.   Missals are placed in the pews


b.   8 person choirs plus instrumentalists allowed

i.   Vaccinated choir members do not have to wear a mask
ii.  Unvaccinated choir members must wear a two-layer mask
iii. Social distancing is not required

c.   Congregational singing is allowed


d.   No limit on altar servers

i.   Altar servers are permitted to hold the book for the celebrant

e.   No restrictions on the use of Readers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

f.   Collection baskets are allowed

g.   Offertory processions are allowed

h.   Ciborium lids no longer need to remain on until the distribution of Holy Communion

I.   The exchange of the sign of peace is optional

i.   If parishioners exchange of the sign of peace, then the sign of peace must be a non-contact gesture (bow)

j.   Processions (e.g. Corpus Christi) are allowed outside without masks

III  Procedures for the distribution of Holy Communion

a.   Social distancing is not required for Communion lines

i.   Two Communion lines in the center aisle are permitted

b.   Masks should be removed just before receiving Holy Communion and then put back on after receiving

c.   Masks are required for everyone distributing Holy Communion

d.   Sanitize hands before distributing Holy Communion and after the final person receives

e.   Sanitizing hands in between communicants is required when someone receives on the tongue or if the person distributing Communion inadvertently touches the communicant's hand

f.   Kneelers no longer must be cleaned in between communicants

g.   Communion is only given under one species - consecrated hosts

h.   The celebrant's chalice must not be shared

i.   Concelebrants should receive by intinction from a separate chalice
ii.  Deacons should only receive the consecrated host or from a separate chalice

IV.   Procedures for other liturgical and sacramental celebrations

a.   Sacrament of Reconciliation

i.  Social distancing is not required
ii.  Sanitization procedures are not required

b.   Weddings and Funerals

i.   The same guidelines above for Mass apply to weddings and funerals
ii.   The bride and groom are not required to wear masks

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